Support Us

From a historical perspective, we cannot deny the importance Waqfs, or endowments, have played in building and sustaining Muslim societies. Some of the greatest Muslim intellects were the products of the support that comes from a community-supported Waqf.

House of Wisdom seeks to revive the legacy of Awqaf through its Research Grants Program. 100% of the monetary donations that are made towards House of Wisdom will be used to fund Research Grants for decades to come to allow for academic research and intellectual endeavors that will further the cause of Islam.

Each Research Grant sponsorship consists of a minimum of $5,000. Research grants will be named after the sponsoring organization or individual. Grant recipients will be finalized only after consulting with the sponsoring organization/individual.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is the Research Grant Sponsorship tax-deductible?

Yes. The official sponsor and partner of House of Wisdom is Memphis Islamic Center (MIC), a 501(c)3 registered nonprofit organization with EIN 26-2450287. To claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep your email donation receipt from MIC as your official record.

Will grant donors be able to select which area of study their grants are applied to?

Yes, all grant donors will be contacted prior to a) grant distribution to determine which academic subject area they would like their investments to go towards and b) finalizing grant recipients.